7 June New Dataset Statistics of Income by Zip Code June 7, 2024 New Feature Zip Code API A new enhancement to the Zip Code API now offers a powerful tool for researchers, policymakers, and businesses alike: a detailed dataset of IRS income statistics spanning from 2011 to 2021 (as of June 2024 the datasets for years after 2021 have not been released). This new endpoint integrates seamlessly with existing functionalities, providing users with precise income statistics data at the zip code level. By leveraging this enriched dataset, users can gain valuable insights into economic trends, regional income disparities, and demographic shifts over a decade, facilitating more informed decisions and targeted strategies. New end point https://global.metadapi.com/zipc/v1/zipcodes/{zipcode}/soi provides IRS statistics of income by zip code. API Documentation for the new endpoint. For each tax year the data is presented using AGI (adjusted gross income) groups: agiGroupId / agiGroup 1 = $1 under $25,000 2 = $25,000 under $50,000 3 = $50,000 under $75,000 4 = $75,000 under $100,000 5 = $100,000 under $200,000 6 = $200,000 or more The following attributes make up the response of the API: Attribute Type Description zipCode string 5 Digit Zip Code. Zone Improvement Plan. year integer Tax Year agiGroupId integer Size of adjusted gross income Id. agiGroup string Size of adjusted gross income. returns integer Number of returns. IRS Variable N1 singleReturns integer Number of single returns. File status is single. IRS variable name: MARS1 jointReturns integer Number of joint returns. Filing status is married filing jointly. IRS Variable MARS2 headOfHouseholdReturns integer Number of head of household returns. Filing status is head of household. IRS variable MARS4. electronicallyFilledReturns integer Number of electronically filed returns. IRS variable ELF computerPreparedPaperReturns integer Number of computer prepared paper returns. IRS variable CPREP returnsWithPaidPreparedSignature integer Number of returns with paid preparer's signature. IRS variable name PREP. returnsWithDirectDeposit integer Number of returns with direct deposit. IRS variable DIR_DEP. returnsWithVirtualCurrency integer Number of returns with virtual currency indicator. IRS variable VRTCRIND numberOfIndividuals integer Number of individuals. IRS variable N2 volunteerPreparedReturns integer Total number of volunteer prepared returns. IRS variable TOTAL_VITA vitaPreparedReturns integer Number of volunteer income tax assistance (VITA) prepared returns. IRS variable VITA tcePreparedReturns integer Number of tax conseling for the elderly (TCE) prepared returns. IRS variable TCE eicVolunteerPreparedReturns integer Number of volunteer prepared returns with Earned Income Credit. IRS variable VITA_EIC refundAnticipationCheckReturns integer Number of refund anticipation check returns. IRS variable RAC elderlyReturns integer Number of elderly returns. IRS variable ELDERLY adjustedGrossIncome number Adjust gross income (AGI). IRS variable A00100. Tax reference: 1040:11 returnsWithTotalIncome integer Number of returns with total income. IRS variable N02650. Tax form reference: 1040:9 totalIncomeAmount number Total income amount. IRS variable A02650. Tax form reference 1040:9 returnsWithSalariesWages integer Number of returns with salaries and wages. IRS variable N00200. Tax form reference 1040:1 salariesWagesAmount number Salaries and wages amount. IRS variable A00200. Tax form reference 1040:1 returnsWithTaxableInterest integer Number of returns with taxable interest. IRS Variable N00300. Tax form reference 1040:2b taxableInterestAmount number Taxable interest amount. IRS variable A00300. Tax form reference 1040:2b returnsWithOrdinaryDividends integer Number of returns with ordinary dividends. IRS variable N00600. Tax form reference 1040:3b ordinaryDividendsAmount number Ordinary dividends amount. IRS variable A00600. Tax form reference 1040:3b returnsWithQualifiedDividends integer Number of returns with qualified dividends. IRS variable N00650. Tax form reference 1040:3a qualifiedDividendsAmount number Qualified dividends amount. IRS variable A00650. Tax form reference 1040:3a returnsStateLocalIncomeTaxRefunds integer Number of returns with state and local income tax refunds. IRS variable N00700. Tax form reference Schedule 1:1 stateLocalIncomeTaxRefundAmount number State and local income tax refunds amount. IRS variable A00700. Tax form reference Schedule 1:1 returnsWithBusinessOrProfessionalNetIncome integer Number of returns with business or professional net income (less loss). IRS variable N00900. Tax form reference Schedule 1:3 businessOrProfessionalNetIncomeAmount number Business or professional net income (less loss) amount. IRS variable A00900. Tax form reference Schedule 1:3 returnsWithNetCapitalGain integer Number of returns with net capital gain (less loss). IRS variable N01000. Tax form reference 1040:7 netCapitalGainAmount number Net capital gain (less loss) amount. IRS variable A01000. Tax form reference 1040:7 returnsWithTaxableIraDistributions integer Number of returns with taxable individual retirement arrangements distributions. IRS variable N01400. Tax form reference 1040:4b taxableIradistributionAmount number Taxable individual retirement arrangements distributions amount. IRS variable A01400. Tax form reference 1040:4b returnsWithTaxablePensionsAnnuities integer Number of returns with taxable pensions and annuities. IRS variable N01700. Tax form reference 1040:5b taxablePensionsAndAnnuitiesAmount number Taxable pensions and annuities amount. IRS variable A01700. Tax form reference 1040:5b returnsFarms integer Number of farm returns. IRS variable SCHF. Tax form reference Schedule 1:6 returnsWithUnemploymentCompensation integer Number of returns with unemployment compensation. IRS variable N02300. Tax form reference Schedule 1:7 unemploymentCompensationAmount number Unemployment compensation amount. IRS variable A02300. Tax form reference Schedule 1:7 returnsWithTaxableSocialSecurityBenefits integer Number of returns with taxable social security benefits. IRS variable N02500. Tax form reference 1040:6b taxableSocialSecurityBenefitsAmount number Taxable Social Security Benefits amount. IRS variable A02500. Tax form reference 1040:6b returnsWithPartnershipNetIncome integer Number of returns with partnership/S-Corp net income (less loss). IRS variable N26270. Tax form reference Schedule E:32 partnershipNetIncomeAmount number Partnership/S-Corp net income (less loss). IRS variable A26270. Tax form reference Schedule E:32 returnsWithTotalStatutoryAdjustments integer Number of returns with total statutory adjustments. IRS variable N02900. Tax form reference Schedule 1:22 totalStatutoryAdjustmentsAmount number Total statutory adjustments amount. IRS variable A02900. Tax form reference Schedule 1:22 returnsWithEducatorExpenses integer Number of returns with educator expenses. IRS variable N03220. Tax form reference Schedule 1:10 educatorExpensesAmount number Educator expenses amount. IRS variable A03220. Tax form reference Schedule 1:10 returnsWithSelfEmployedRetirementPlans integer Number of returns with Self-Employed (Keogh) retirement plans. IRS variable N03300. Tax form reference Schedule 1:15 selfEmployedRetirementPlansAmount number Self employed (Keogh) retirement plans amount. IRS variable A03300. Tax form reference Schedule 1:15 returnsWithSelfEmployedHealthInsuranceDeduction integer Number of returns with self-employed health insurance deduction. IRS variable N03270. Tax form reference Schedule 1:16 selfEmployedHealthInsuranceDeductionAmount number Self-employed healthinsurance deduction amount. IRS variable A03270. Tax form reference Schedule 1:16 returnsWIthIraPayments integer Number of returns with individual retirement arrangement payments. IRS variable N03150. Tax form reference Schedule 1:19 iraPaymentAmount number Individual retirement arrangement payments amount. IRS variable A03150. Tax form reference Schedule 1:19 returnsWithStudenLoanInterestDeduction integer Number of returns with student loan interest deduction. IRS variable N03210. Tax form reference Schedule 1:20 studentLoanInterestDeductionAmount number Student loan interest deduction amount. IRS variable A03210. Tax form reference Schedule 1:20 returnsWithCharitableContributionsWithStandardDeductions integer Number of returns with charitable contributions if took standard deduction. IRS variable N02910. Tax form reference 1040:10b charitableContributionsWithStandardDeductionsAmount number Charitable countributions amount if took standard deduction. IRS variable A02910. Tax form reference 1040:10b returnsWithTotalStandardDeduction integer Number of returns with total standard deduction. IRS variable N04450. Tax form reference 1040:12 standardDeductionAmount number Total standard deduction amount. IRS variable A04450. Tax form reference 1040:12 returnsWithBasicStandardDeduction integer Number of returns with basic standard deduction. IRS variable N04100. Tax form reference 10:40:12 basicStandardDeductionAmount number Basic standard deduction amount. IRS Variable A04100. Tax form reference 1040:12 returnsWithAdditionalStandardDeduction integer Number of returns with additional standard eduction. IRS variable N04200. Tax form reference 1040:12 additionalStandardDeductionAmount number Additional standard deduction amount. IRS variable A04200. Tax form reference 1040:12 returnsWithItemizedDeductions integer Number of returns with itemized deductions. IRS variable N04470. Tax form reference 1040:12 itemizedDeductionsAmount number Total itemized deductions amount. IRS variable A04470. Tax form reference 1040:1 agiForItemizedReturnsAmount number Amount of AGI for itemized returns. IRS variable A00101. Tax form reference 1040:11 returnsWithTotalMedicalDentalDeduction integer Number of returns with total medical and dental expense deduction. IRS variable N17000. Tax form reference Schedule A:4 totalMedicalDentalDeductionAmount number Total medical and dental expense deduction amount. IRS variable A17000. Tax form reference Schedule A:4 returnsWithStateAndLocalIncomeTaxes integer Number of returns with State and Local income taxes. IRS variable N18425. Tax form reference Schedule A:5a stateAndLocalIncomeTaxesAmount number State and local income taxes amount. IRS variable A18425. Tax form reference Schedule A:5a returnsWIthStateAndLocalGeneralSalesTax integer Number of returns with state and local general sales tax. IRS variable Schedule A:5a stateAndLocalGeneralSalesTaxAmount number State and local general sales tax amount. IRS variable A18450. Tax form reference Schedule A:5a returnsWithRealEstateTaxes integer Number of returns with real estate taxes. IRS variable N18500. Tax form reference Schedule A:5b realEstateTaxesAmount number Real estate taxes amount. IRS variable A18500. Tax form reference Schedule A:5b returnsWithPersonalPropertyTaxes integer Number of returns with personal property taxes. IRS variable N18800. Tax form reference Schedule A:5c personalPropertyTaxesAmount number Personal property taxes amount. IRS variable A18800. Tax form reference Schedule A:5c returnsWithLimitedStateLocalTaxes integer Number of returns with limited state and local taxes. IRS variable N18460. Tax form reference Schedule A:5e limitedStateLocalTaxesAmount number Limited state and local taxes amount. IRS variable A18460. Tax form reference Schedule A:5e returnsWithTotalTaxesPaid integer Number of returns with total taxes paid. IRS variable N18300. Tax form reference Schedule A:7 totalTaxesPaidAmount number Total taxes paid amount. IRS variable A18300. Tax form reference Schedule A:7 returnsWithHomeMortageInterestPaid integer Number of returns with home mortgage interest paid. IRS variable N19300. Tax form reference Schedule A:8a homeMortgageInterestPaidAmount number Home mortgage interest paid amount. IRS variable A19300. Tax form reference Schedule A:8a returnsWithHomeMortgageFromPersonalSeller integer Number of returns with home mortgage from personal seller. IRS variable N19500. Tax form reference Schedule A:8b homeMortgageFromPersonalSellerAmount number Home mortgage from personal seller amount. IRS variable A19500. Tax form reference Schedule A:8b returnsWithDeductiblePoints integer Number of returns with deductible points. IRS variable N19530. Tax form reference Schedule A:8c deductiblePointsAmount number Deductible points amount. IRS variable A19530. Tax form reference Schedule A:8c returnsWithQualifiedMortgageInsurancePremiums integer Number of returns with qualified mortgage insurance premiums. IRS variable N19550. Tax form reference Schedule A:8d qualifiedMortgageInsurancePremiumsAmount number Qualified mortgage insurance premium amount. IRS variable A19550. Tax form reference Schedule A:8d returnsWithInvestmentInterestPaid integer Number of returns with investment interest paid. IRS variable N19570. Tax form reference Schedule A:9 investmentInterestPaidAmount number Investment interest paid amount. IRS variable A19570. Tax form reference Schedule A:9 returnsWithTotalCharitableContributions integer Number of returns with total charitable contributions. IRS variable N19700. Tax form reference Schedule A:14 totalCharitableContributionsAmount number Total charitable contributions amount. IRS variable A19700. Tax form reference Schedule A:14 returnsWithOtherNonLimitedMiscDeductions integer Number of returns with other non-limited miscellaneous deductions. IRS variable N20950. Tax form reference Schedule A:16 otherNonLimitedMiscDeductionsAmount number Other non-limited miscellaneous deductions amount. IRS variable A20950. Tax form reference Schedule A:16 returnsWithQualifiedBusinessIncomeDeduction integer Number of returns with qualified business income deduction. IRS variable N04475. Tax form reference 1040:13 qualifiedBusinessIncomeDeductionAmount number Qualified business income deduction. IRS variable A04475. Tax form reference 1040:13 returnsWithTaxableIncome integer Number of returns with taxable income. IRS variable N04800. Tax form reference 1040:15 taxableIncomeAmount number Taxable income amount. IRS variable A04800. Tax form reference 1040:15 returnsWithIncomeTaxBeforeCredits integer Number of returns with income tax before credits. IRS variable N05800. Tax form reference 1040:16 incomeTaxBeforeCreditsAmount number Income tax before credits amount. IRS variable A05800. Tax form reference 1040:16 returnsWithAlternativeMinimumTax integer Number of returns with alternative minimum tax. IRS variable N09600. Tax form reference Schedule 2:1 alternativeMinimumTaxAmount number Alternative minimum tax amount. IRS variable A09600. Tax form reference Schedule 2:1 returnsWithExcessAdvancePremiumTaxCreditRepayment integer Number of returns with excess advance premium tax credit repayment. IRS variable N05780. Tax form reference Schedule 2:2 excessAdvancePremiumTaxCreditRepaymentAmount number Excess advance premium tax credit repayment amount. IRS variable A05780. Tax form reference Schedule 2:2 returnsWithTotalTaxCredits integer Number of returns with total tax credits. IRS variable N07100. Tax form reference 1040:21 totalTaxCreditsAmount number Total tax credits amount. IRS variable A07100. Tax form reference 1040:21 returnsWithForeignTaxCredit integer Number of returns with foreign tax credit. IRS variable N07300. Tax form reference Schedule 3:1 foreignTaxCreditAmount number Foreign tax credit amount. IRS variable A07300. Tax form reference Schedule 3:1 returnsWithChildAndDependentCareCredit integer Number of returns with child and dependent care credit. IRS variable N07180. Tax form reference Schedule 3:2 childAndDependentCareCreditAmount number Child and dependent care credit amount. IRS variable A07180. Tax form reference Schedule 3:2 returnsWithNonRefundableEducationCredit integer Number of returns with nonrefundable education credit. IRS variable N07230. Tax form reference Schedule 3:3 nonRefundableEducationCreditAmount number Nonrefundable education credit amount. IRS variable A07230. Tax form reference Schedule 3:3 returnsWithRetirementSavingsContributionCredit integer Number of returns with retirement savings contribution credit. IRS variable N07240. Tax form reference Schedule 3:4 retirementSavingsContributionCreditAmount number Retirement savings contribution credit amount. IRS variable A07240. Tax form reference Schedule 3:4 returnsWithChildAndOtherDependentCredit integer Number of returns with child and other dependent credit. IRS variable N07225. Tax form reference 1040:19 childAndOtherDependentCreditAmount number Child and other dependent credit amount. IRS variable A07225. Tax form reference 1040:19 returnsWithResidentialEnergyTaxCredit integer Number of returns with residential energy tax credit. IRS variable N07260. Tax form reference Schedule 3:5 residentialEnergyTaxCreditAmount number Residential energy tax credit amount. IRS variable A07260. Tax form reference Schedule 3:5 returnsWithSelfEmploymentTax integer Number of returns with self-employed tax. IRS variable N09400. Tax form reference Schedule 2:4 selfEmploymentTaxAmount number Self-employment tax amount. IRS variable A09400. Tax form reference Schedule 2:4 returnsWithTotalPremiumTaxCredit integer Number of returns with total premium tax credit. IRS variable N85770. Tax form reference 8962:24 totalPremiumTaxCreditAmount number Total premium tax credit amount. IRS variable A85770. Tax form reference 8962:24 returnsWithAdvancePremiumTaxCredit integer Number of returns with advance premium tax credit. IRS variable N85775. Tax form reference 8962:25 advancePremiumTaxCreditAmount number Advance premium tax credit amount. IRS variable A85775. Tax form reference 8962:25 returnsWithTotalTaxPayments integer Number of returns with total tax payments. IRS variable N10600. Tax form reference 1040:33 totalTaxPaymentsAmount number Total tax payments amount. IRS variable A10600. Tax form reference 1040:33 returnsWithEarnedIncomeCredit integer Number of returns with earned income credit. IRS variable N59660. Tax form reference 1040:27 earnedIncomeCreditAmount number Earned income credit amount. IRS variable A59660. Tax form reference 1040:27 returnsWithExcessEarnedIncomeCredit integer Number of returns with excess earned income credits. IRS variable N59720. Tax form reference 1040:27 excessEarnedIncomeCreditAmount number Excess earned income credit (refundable) amount. IRS variable A59720. Tax form reference 1040:27 returnsWithAdditionalChildTaxCredit integer Number of returns with additional child tax credit. IRS variable N11070. Tax form reference 1040:28 additionalChildTaxCreditAmount number Additional child tax credit amount. IRS variable A11070. Tax form reference 1040:28 returnsWithRefundableEducationCredit integer Number of refunds with refundable education credit. IRS variable N10960. Tax form reference 1040:29 refundableEducationCreditAmount number Refundable education credit amount. IRS variable A10960. Tax form reference 1040:29 returnsWithNetPremiumTaxCredit integer Number of returns with net premium tax credit. IRS variable N11560. Tax form reference Schedule 3:8 netPremiumTaxCreditAmount number Net premium tax credit amount. IRS variable A11560. Tax form reference Schedule 3:8 returnsWithQualifiedSickAndFamilyLeaveCredit integer Number of returns with qualified sick and family leave credit. IRS variable N11450. Tax form reference Schedule 3:12b qualifiedSickAndFamilyLeaveCreditAmount number Qualified sick and family leave credit amount. IRS variable A11450. Tax form reference Schedule 3:12b returnsWithRecoveryRebateCredit integer Number of returns with recovery rebate credit. IRS variable N10970. Tax form reference 1040:30 recoveryRebateCreditAmount number Recovery rebate credit amount. IRS variable A10970. Tax form reference 1040:30 returnsWithEconomicImpactPaymentFirstRound integer Number of returns with economic impact payment first round. IRS variable N10971. economicImpactPaymentFirstRoundAmount number Economic impact payment first round amount. IRS variable A10971 returnsWitheconomicImpactPaymentSecondRound integer Number of returns with economic impact payment second round. IRS variable N10973. economicImpactPaymentSecondRoundAmount number Economic impact payment second round amount. IRS variable A10973. returnsWithIncomeTaxAfterCredits integer Number of returns with income tax after credits. IRS variable N06500. Tax form reference 1040:22 incomeTaxAfterCreditAmount number Income tax after credits amount. IRS variable A06500. Tax form reference 1040:22 returnsWithTaxLiability integer Number of returns with tax liability. IRS variable N10300. Tax form reference 1040:24 taxLiabilityAmount number Total tax liability amount. IRS variable A10300. Tax form reference 1040:24 returnsWithAdditionalMedicareTax integer Number of returns with additional medicare tax. IRS variable N85530. Tax form reference 8959:24 additionalMedicareTaxAmount number Additional Medicare tax amount. IRS variable A85530. Tax form reference 8959:24 returnsWithNetInvestmentIncomeTax integer Number of returns with net investment income tax. IRS variable N85300. Tax form reference 8960:17 netInvestmentIncomeTaxAmount number Net investment income tax amount. IRS variable A85300. Tax form reference 8960:17 returnsWithTaxDueAtTimeOfFiling integer Number of returns with tax due at time of filing. IRS variable N11901. Tax form reference 1040:37 taxDueAtTimeOfFilingAmount number Tax due at time of filing amount. IRS variable A11901. Tax form reference 1040:37 returnsWithOverpaymentsRefunded integer Number of returns with total overpayments. IRS variable N11900. Tax form reference 1040:34 overpaymentRefundedAmount number Total overpayments amount. IRS variable A11900. Tax form reference 1040:34 returnsWithCreditToNextYearTax integer Number of returns with credit to next year s estimated tax. IRS variable N12000. Tax form reference 1040:36 creditToNextYearTaxAmount number Credited to next year s estimated tax amount. IRS variable A12000. Tax form reference 1040:36